Cowbit village is a small and tight-knit community, having a population of around 1220 people. Cowbit has its own local school, shop and garage and is perfectly placed in a rural setting, being only 3 miles from Spalding and 16 miles from Peterborough.


Please use this site to gain information on local news, events, local businesses, clubs and societies in Cowbit Village, and if you would like to promote your own local charity, business or event, please do contact us, so that we can help you make it a success.


Finally, we invite you to look at our photo gallery which gives you a flavour of our truly remarkable village, both past and present. If you have photos you would like to contribute to the site, please contact us.

Parish Council Report

Trevor Tyrrell was voted back as Chair with Eric Fragale as Vice Chairman. Chris Elliott returned to the Parish, having moved to a new address within the village, and was Co-Opted onto the vacant seat at the Annual Council meeting in May following the resignation of Carol Clark,. Cllr Tom Sneath, was newly elected onto the District Council, replacing Rodney Grocock. District Councillor Andrew Woolf thanked Cowbit for the hire of the Village Hall for his Chairman’s quiz night. It was well attended and raised a lot of funds for his designated charities. James Francis of the Meridian Action Group was invited to attend the July meeting to speak regarding the 750W Solar Installation which will cover 2,500acres of prime agricultural land affecting Crowland, Cowbit and all the way to Gedney. James advised everyone present that Ed Miliband MP had passed 3 major proposals within 6 days of being in office. Residents were advised to contact as many people as they can in the community to make them aware of what is being proposed. Also to contact their local MP, Sir John Hayes and Meridian. The Chair added that the Cowbit roads proposed to be used to transport the panels, etc, were listed as the A16, Stonegate, Barrier Bank and Back Gate. The panels would stand over 10 feet high and will be piled into the ground. Pylons, (described as lattice towers), are audible from 3.5 miles away there is a considerable amount of humming noise from them. Traffic and infrastructure is an issue. Only the villages that the panels are sited in will benefit from the proposal. 11 offshore wind turbines will produce as much electricity as this entire 2,500 acres of solar panels. It will also affect the weather with heat radiated from the panels causing more rain which in turn could lead to flooding. The panels will be purchased and transported from China which will create a huge carbon footprint. The 1.8 million solar panels will be piled into the ground with concrete, and will need to be replaced every 15 years! Cllr Woolf encouraged everyone to join the Meridian Action Group (MAG) Facebook page, as we need to join forces and there is a lot of information being shared on there. Don’t wait until the diggers come! Cllr Richard Davies (Highways) also attended our July meeting and agreed to assist with issues raised at the meeting. Sadly, James Stamp resigned from the PC ahead of the September meeting due to increased work commitments. James had been working on the village information boards and this work will now be passed on to Peter Simpson. We thank James for all his efforts and commitment to the village. The PC are currently looking to Co-Opt. Mark Noyce who has been carrying out graffiti removal around the village. It is hoped that Mr Noyce will be Co-Opted at the January meeting. Welcome gates have been erected at the entrances to the village. These have been met with mixed opinions. Currently the PC is considering whether to paint them or leave them as they are. Once the speed limit and village signs have been added from Highways, they should look better and the initial thoughts were that the signs would stand out against the natural background. Janet Barnes has been looking at whether wild Flowers can be grown in front of the lay-by where the speed watch operates. SHDC and residents will need to be advised not to cut this piece of grass, if and when it goes ahead. Cllr Casson raised the consultation regarding introducing a PSPO to encourage dog walkers to pick up after their dogs. Members were in support and encouraged everyone to take part in the consultation. A new defibrillator was purchased to replace the one on the Village Hall, which was no longer being supported by the emergency services because the pads, etc had not been replaced since it was purchased in 2016. Thanks to Cllrs Casson, Woolf and Sneath for donating £600 (£200 each) towards it. Another defibrillator has been purchased through the London Hearts initiative where only 50% of the cost was paid by the Parish. This defibrillator will be sited on The Station House, Backgate. The village will then have 3 devices; one at the Pavilion, (supplied and maintained by SUFC), one at the Village Hall and the third one at The Station House, (currently awaiting installation). The old defibrillator from the Village Hall has been retained and the PC would like to donate it to a Community Group or Club. The next meeting will be held on Monday 13th January, at 7.30pm at Cowbit Village Hall.


Agendas and meeting minutes can be found on the official Parish Council Website - Homepage – Cowbit Parish Council .

As always, all are welcome to attend! Angela Harrison, Parish Clerk, 

As we run up to the Christmas period, we are hosting a variety of festive events at
the Village Hall to ensure everyone has the opportunity to get into the festive spirit.
In addition to the Wreath Making workshops and Christmas Fayre, we will be holding Christmas Bingo on Friday 13th December at 7:30pm. It is the highlight of
our Bingo calendar and includes extra prizes and free mince pies… Christmas outfits
are voluntary but encouraged.
Use of our UK Shared Prosperity and Lincolnshire Community Foundation funding
has enabled us to recently purchase a new noticeboard to help display information
in a more accessible manner. Huge thanks to Marcus, Chris and Kev for their time
and expertise in installing it. Please do take a look if you walk by – there is lots of
information and it looks very smart!

Cowbit does not have a war memorial as such, only names within the church and two roads in the village named after  men who lost their lives in service.  A few years ago the village had street lamp poppies around the village, and it seemed villagers were wanting to see them again.  So the Village hall committee decided on raising funds online and in Cowbit Village Stores, £345 was raised which has enabled us to have 40 large Poppies on the street lamps. As well as helping fund towards wreaths, flag, bunting and a poppy drape.  The wreaths were made by Claire Pell and Marcus Pell along with the Poppy drape which has been placed over the Queen Elizabeth II memorial stone.

The village sign area also had a wreath, bunting and a kneeling "Tommy" soldier with wreaths placed nearby, this was made by lifelong villager Gerry Pearson.

Also the Cowbit Crafters group made crochet poppies which were included in the display as well as on the two village signs, Parkin Road and Clarkson Avenue.

The village hall committee would like to thank all those that generously donated money towards everything. Cowbit Parish Council for their generous donation, Mr Pearson, Cowbit Village Stores for a collection box, Cowbit crafters group and those that helped make, display and putting the poppies on lamp posts.

So despite there being no war memorial our village has remembered all those that sacrificed their lives in conflict.




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Village Hall 


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