Cowbit village is a small and tight-knit community, having a population of around 1220 people. Cowbit has its own local school, shop and garage and is perfectly placed in a rural setting, being only 3 miles from Spalding and 16 miles from Peterborough.


Please use this site to gain information on local news, events, local businesses, clubs and societies in Cowbit Village, and if you would like to promote your own local charity, business or event, please do contact us, so that we can help you make it a success.


Finally, we invite you to look at our photo gallery which gives you a flavour of our truly remarkable village, both past and present. If you have photos you would like to contribute to the site, please contact us.

The last few weeks have been fairly busy for the Village Hall Committee, who have made some improvements to the hall that we hope will make using it easier and more enjoyable.
Eighteen tonnes of gravel were received in the first week of January to improve the car park surface, which now looks far better than it did. Huge thanks to Committee members Chris Aldridge, Marcus Pell and Darren Harper as well as Danny from Broad Build and Mark from Livewire Electrical to help spread it evenly around the car park…. certainly a great way of warming up on a cold, frosty morning! Inside, Claire and Marcus Pell have arranged the display of some village photos that help to capture what Cowbit is all about…. if anyone happens to have any photos that they feel would look good in this display and that they would be happy to share, we’d love to hear from you (


We have also been fortunate enough to have been awarded £250 from the SHDC Warm Spaces Project, which seeks to support community projects during the winter months, especially for those that may otherwise be isolated or may need to restrict their heating. Some of this funding will go towards keeping the hall warm with the remainder spilt equally between Tea@2, Cowbit Seniors Club and Cowbit Crafters to support provision of food and activities.
In terms of bookings, we have recently needed to amend our booking terms and conditions following some damage that was incurred following hire for a private party. The Hall Committee work incredibly hard to maintain the hall as a pleasant facility for the village and we were – naturally – upset and disappointed that a group had not treated our lovely hall with the care we feel it deserves. We hope that these amendments will ensure such damage does not happen again in the future.
And finally, last year’s SHDC Chairman’s Charity Quiz Night was so successful, that we have been asked to host one again. If you are free on Saturday 15th February 2025, grab a few friends and come and join us

Cowbit Village Hall

Cowbit St Mary’s Church update
Even though Christmas is probably now starting to feel like a bit of a distant memory for many, it was a reasonably busy time for us at St Mary’s. We held our third wreath making workshop and, for the first time ever, had a waiting list of folks in case we had any cancellations. As ever, we were bowled over by the talent of those that came and it was lovely to see people’s personalities shine through in their creations.
We managed to get a carol service arranged and would like to say a huge thank you to those that came and supported us….. also a big thank you to those that came to the Christmas Fayre. Sadly, attendance wasn’t quite what we’d hoped for so any ideas people could put forward we will gladly take on board so that we are giving villagers events that they want to join in with.
Finally, we are so excited to start to see some teeny indications that Spring is on the way as our beautiful bulbs are starting to peep above the grass in the churchyard….. do take a little look over the wall as the flowers look so pretty and are sure to brighten your day.




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Village Hall 


To book the village hall email :



Booking information

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