If your daughter is between seven and ten years old then they may wish to join the Cowbit Brownies, part of Girlguiding UK.  Girlguiding UK has over half a million current members.


Cowbit Brownies meetings are action packed and full of challenges, games and activities.  These are usually suggestions from the Brownies themselves.  Everything a Brownie does is an adventure.

Want to Join?


If you are interested in your daughter becoming a Rainbow and taking the opportunity to Look, Learn, Laugh and Love or in becoming a Brownie and joining the adventure and fun then visit www.girlguiding.org.uk and apply online.  (From December 2012 this is compulsory).


Contact Cowbit Rainbows and Brownies


For details of Cowbit's meetings or if you are interested in becoming an adult volunteer please email brownies@cowbitvillage.co.uk